People with Power
Specializes in Designing, Installing, & Maintaining Electrical Distribution Lines, Commercial, Industrial, and Fiber Optics for Over 43 Years

Utility Contractor
in Southern New Mexico
& West Texas

Solar Electric Co. Inc. is a reliable utility contractor licensed for high voltage transmission, distribution, industrial, commercial applications, and fiber optics. We have been in business for over 43 years and understand the in and out of electrical contracting.
Our dedicated team specializes in designing, installing, and maintaining overhead and underground electrical lines. We also specialize in commercial and industrial applications. We ensure smooth transmission and distribution of power through the sub and switching stations throughout Southern New Mexico and West Texas.

Why Choose Us
We cater to both commercial and industrial electrical requirements. We bring skilled professionals, knowledge, infrastructure, and organization needed to support your project.
We have evolved with the changing safety and construction requirement of the industry. Our electrical construction & advanced maintenance equipment makes any job easy. We keep your project on schedule and within your budget requirements through good management and job planning.